Main Cast
Cozytown is home to many different characters, from a dancing roll of TP, to cats, bears, dogs, and many other creatures. Get to know them by flipping the cards below to read their stories!
The Floofs
Always HungryThe Floofs
Deep in the forest around Cozytown, hiding under mushrooms and relaxing in the shadows are the Floofs. Sometimes big and sometimes small, they are always curious and full of joy. They love to craft and upcycle with items they find around the forest, and will eagerly share their creations and a hug with friends.
Wildly ImaginativeCoconut
Coconut is a kitten with a mind for mischief and gumption to spare. She is currently attending Kitten University and loves to learn new things. She often imagines herself as Meowzilla, a larger than life giant cat who can overcome even the most formidable challenges.
Loves CupcakesMomocheet
Momocheet is a sweet and playful kitten. She has two forehead stripes and a heart on her tail. She can be a bit shy at times, but she is always quick to make new friends, and loves to snuggle. Her favorite thing to eat is a cupcake. Mo loves art, writing, and reading, and has a Cooking Show she streams with Coconut.
Happi Paper
Kyuuu-woo!Happi Paper
Happi Paper has a simple heart and a kind soul, and is always around when you need him. Not much is known about where Happi came from, and even less is known about the language he speaks. Even if you can’t understand his words, Happi’s heart speaks loud and clear to everyone he meets, and he’s always happy to see you.
GB & Boop
Sweet Old BeansGB & Boop
Granny Bear (GB for short) is a kind old bear that loves to bake and is perhaps a little prideful about her pies. Lady Boop, a ladybug with laser vision on those who might need a little encouragement, is her friend and conversation companion.
A Gentleman in a SweaterTuxie
Tuxie Cat springs at a chance for adventure. He loves to cosplay as his favorite pop culture figures from movies, books, and comics. He doesn’t always think before he leaps, but has heart and courage enough to make up for his lack of judgement. You can find Tuxie enjoying the nearest sunbeam or following Momocheet into the wilderness.
Pudge the Pug
Philosopher & Writer PupPudge the Pug
Pudge the Pug is a diary-keeping dog who is curious about life and reflects on it in his writing. He has a penchant for poetry and will eagerly grab his pocket notebook to jot down ideas whenever they may occur. Pudge is based off a real life pug who loved ice cream and playing hide-n-seek.
The Greebles
Only Cats Can See ThemThe Greebles
The Greebles are small dust sprites that can only be seen by cats, and they love to play with Coconut in particular. In terms of alignments, they are very much Chaotic Good, and though their antics are often frustrating for Coconut, they would never harm a fly.
Spring Bear
She Helps Plants GrowSpring Bear
Spring Bear wakes when the snow begins to thaw, and it is her magic that causes the first flowers to bloom. She has a knack for gardening and loves plants and animals of all sorts. When the wind turns cold at the end of Autumn, Spring Bear falls asleep to hibernate through Winter.
EL (Evil Landlord)
Salty & SweetEL (Evil Landlord)
Evil Landlord owns everything (or likes to think she does). She always keeps an eye out for mischief and a profit to be made in the process. Though her exterior may be rough, there is a softer side to Evil Landlord that shines in her kindness towards the Jelly Bunnies and friends when the chips are down. Her favorite pastimes are sitting on newspaper, claiming abandoned boxes, and dressing up as her favorite nefarious film characters.
Fat Cat (FC)
Lucky, ActuallyFat Cat (FC)
Fat Cat prefers to communicate through acts of kindness. She enjoys flower beds and toasty rays of sunshine. She will be your friend forever and follow you around wherever you go. Being a medium-long haired cat, she is pleasantly fluffy and will often times curl up on the nearest lap. Fat Cat likes to tag along when Momocheet goes adventuring or when Evil Landlord gets some new form of mischief into her head.
Baby Kraken
Chef in TrainingBaby Kraken
Baby Kraken decided to stay in Cozytown after being summoned via accidental magic ingredient misuse in Momo’s kitchen. Cooking intrigued him, and GB was delighted to share some of her knowledge with the aspiring many-armed chef. He wears a stock pot on his head instead of a toque, and loves to assist during Momo and Coco’s live cooking show.
Supporting Cast
In addition to the main cast of Cozytown, there are several seasonal characters like Gourdy the Pumpkin and Bu the Ghost that only appear during certain times of the year! Some neighbors have been around a very long time, like Samu Rye, Celebration Cupcake, and Berry Ninja, and you may only see them in earlier comics. Can you spot them all?