Happy New Year! I hope 2018 was a good one for you and that 2019 will be even better. It always surprises me how fast the year goes. Before you know it, it’ll be April and then May, and then half the year will have passed. It’s scary and exciting too, the onus of the future and all the things you can do with it. Ever since I started my dailies, I’ve had something to mark each day in my calendar, and a body of work that has swelled in steady, small bits. I’m proud of that. It’s important to me to take advantage of every second and create as much as possible. In looking forward to 2019, I have so many goals for BeKyoot, the characters, and their stories. I have a completely new comic that I will be launching, and at least 2 more books I want to complete by SDCC in July. It’ll be a great year. I can’t wait to share it with you and open further the door into this universe which has only been cracked up until now.

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