I hear something in the air…could it be…jingle bells? ;)

It’s hard to believe, but another Christmas season is upon us. Every year I find myself surprised at how fast the year has gone, and have to think back on what’s been accomplished. One of the big things for me was finishing Illustrated ABC’s. I feel like it happened much longer ago than it did. I began the project near the start of the year and finished it just under the wire for San Diego. I had many voices encouraging me to ditch the project and finish it later, but I’m glad I pushed through and completed it. It was a simple book, but it was ‘the first’ and finishing the first was a major psychological win for me. Now putting other stories out (and finishing ones I’ve had started for years) seems far less daunting. So one thing to look forward to in the next coming months are many more stories from me! :) I’ve also started to work on a monthly coloring book that I’ll be distributing via the BeKyoot mailing list, so SIGN UP if you want some free coloring pages hitting your inbox! :) The shop has also gotten a refresh and partial facelift with new products. I am still in the process of adding/switching out the print section.
I think all in all this December is starting out pretty snappy. I hope yours is too!
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